lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

Android Infographics

Android is winning more than the Coca-Cola no one doubts. All this success brings with it many questions and what better way to answer ... This ... What better way to try to simplify their explanation with images?

Via Twitter I have reached a Emezetablog article that I could not resist to bring here, curious what your presentation. As the title of this entry, a computer graphics Android in three images to be exact, by which to try to understand the creature.
What does this mean? The author explains:
The following graphics you can find all the answers to many of the issues some users are wondering (on Android):
* Starting sequence operating system.
* Alternative boot modes: Recovery, FastBoot, Safe-mode ...
* Types of reset: Soft reset and Hard reset.
* Existing types of memory: RAM, NAND (MTD), MicroSDHC ...
* Different speeds of microSD cards: Class 2, 4, 6 and 10.
* Common partitions NAND (MTD).
* Structure YAFFS2 filesystem.
* Disaggregated data and system partitions.
* Types of errors: NRA and FC.
* Android Virtual Machine: VM Dalvik.
* JIT: Just-in-time.
* Application Packages: APK and ODEX.
* APK application structure: AndroidManifest.xml, assets, resources ...
* Terms of development: ADB, SDK ...
* Different types of wireless coverage, GPRS, EDGE, 3G HSDPA ...
* Varied terms: Wipe, OTA​​, APN, Apps2sd, QR-code, Brick, root ...
* Different versions of Android, code name and date of release.

I allowed myself the license (literally) to join the three images that make up this inforgrafía on Android in a single, almost gigantic size to what is usual in a blog (575 × 3,672 pixels). Here goes:

See you in other day!

Mr. Mariano Salvetti

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